
Program Description:

Allows you to read an input multi-polarization ADTS file, extract ONE of the polarization sub-images (HH, HV, VH, or VV), and write it back out along with the appropriate headers as a single-polarization image file in 8-8-4 format.

Version #:


What New:

Initial Version

Program Usage:

ex884 [<switches>]


  • -i <ifile> --> [Input ADTS 4-polarization file]
  • -o <ofile> --> [Output 8-8-4 sub-image file]
  • -p <popt> --> [Polarization: 0=HH, 1=HV, 2=VH, 3=VV]

Description of Arguments: 

  • -i <ifile> : Standard 4-polarization ADTS input file
  • -o <ofile> : Single-polarization 8-8-4 image output file
  • -p <popt> : Polarization to extract and write out(0=HH, 1=HV, 2=VH, 3=VV)

Files Necessary to Compile: 

  • Include : adts.h
  • Source : ex884.c, getimgloc.c, read_switch.c
  • Make : ex884.mk (optional)

Compiling & Linking Code:

    1. gcc -c getimgloc.c [enter] <-- Creates getimgloc.o
      gcc -c read_switch.c [enter] <-- Creates read_switch.o
      gcc -o ex884 ex884.c getimgloc.o read_switch.o [enter]
    2. Using the Makefile [ex884.mk]

Perform the following steps:

    1. % make -f ex884.mk [Creates executable: ex884]
    2. % make -f ex884.mk clean [Deletes object code ]
    3. Source : cv884.c
    4. Make : cv884.mk (optional)