
Program Description:

Allows you to display the ADTS image headers for a single polarization 8-8-4-formatted image. Display is to the Standard output (user terminal or window). Assumes a 1-polarization 8-8-4 input file.

Version #:


What New:

Initial Version

Program Usage:

hdr884 <884-Image File>

Description of Arguments: 

<884-Image File>: Single-polarization input image file in 8-8-4 format. File whose headers you wish to display.

Files Necessary to Compile: 

  • Source : hdr884.c
  • Make : hdr884.mk (optional)

Compiling & Linking Code:

    1. gcc -o hdr884 hdr884.c [enter]
    2. (Optional) Using the Makefile [hdr884.mk]:

Perform the following steps:

    1. % make -f hdr884.mk [Creates executable: hdr884]
    2. % make -f hdr884.mk clean [Deletes object code ]