DDB Tools
Program Description:
Allows the user to convert a Jumpstart Collection Dynamic DataBase (DDB) complex stripmap image to 8-bit JFIF (JPEG) format.
Program Usage:
js_ddb2jpeg -i <infile> -o <outfile> -e -h -q [qf] -t [0-7]
- -e = Auto-contrast enhance output (Def: none)
- -h = Dump Phoenix (ASCII) header (Def: none)
- -q [qf] = Compression quality factor (5-95, Def:75)
- -t [0-7] = Convert specific tile of data
(ONLY for images whose height >= 1024)
Description of Arguments:
- <infile> : Input (complex) Jumpstart DDB stripmap image filename
- <outfile> : Output JPEG image filename
- -e : Optional auto-enhancement switch
- -h : Optional Phoenix header dump switch
- -q [qf] : Optional compression factor switch
- -t [0-7] : Optional single tile conversion switch
Files Necessary to Compile:
- Include : jpeglib.h (Contains JPEG file defs.)
- Library : JPEG libjpeg library (OS-dependent)
- Source : js_ddb2jpeg.c read_switch.c
- Make : js_ddb2jpeg.mk (optional)
Compiling and Linking Code:
- You can compile js_ddb2jpeg either from the command line or by using the included makefile (note: .mk file).
- a) Command line Method:
- % gcc -c read_switch.c
- % gcc -o js_ddb2jpeg js_ddb2jpeg.c read_switch.o libjpegSunOS.a -l
NOTE: You can use other C compilers. Edit .mk file as necessary. You also may need to re-make JPEG library if using non-Sun machine. You can download the JPEG library source code by clicking here.
- b) Using the Makefile [js_ddb2jpeg.mk]:
Perform the following steps:
- % make -f js_ddb2jpeg.mk
(Creates executable: js_ddb2jpeg)
- % make -f js_ddb2jpeg.mk clean
(Deletes object code )